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*The Reason Why I Do What I Do, Has A Little/Toddler*

(Written From My Heart How I Feel)

When we are born into this world that the first thing you see when you open your eyes for the first time is your mother/farther and that’s when you feel inside yourself the comfort, safe, secure, and loved and cared for everyday until you have to grow up.

But most of us including myself do what I do for being a little again because it’s who I am and part of me that I miss being young again with having to be looked after and got nothing to worry about when someone is there to care for you..

Why we like to wear adult baby stuff and nappies/diapers is the comfort and secureness of our younger self to be loved and care for and not to worry about life what it is now.

We all wish we could turn the clocks back and got nothing to worry about but we all only live once, this is the way we can cope in life on day to day basis and that’s why we do what we do..

There are others out there who don’t understand what we do or why we do it but it’s not hurting anyone or yourself and it’s save place to be where we don’t get hurt or upset or bullied or picked on.

Remember don’t be scared on who you are as a person and everybody is different !

Most people will understand and agree with me on what I have been saying and all I can say is follow your heart on what you want to do for yourself.

thank you for time in reading this
Little Junior
(Welcome To My Littlespace)